Sunday, June 10, 2012


Sunday was a full day for Bishop Sixbert. In the morning he visited the parish of St Augustine in Spruce Grove, and preached. Then he travelled through a torrential rain storm to Tofield, for the centennial celebration of the parish of Holy Trinity.

Congregation at St Augustine, Parkland

The church was packed for the celebration. Bishop Jane Alexander challenged the parish in her sermon to think of themselves as living stones. Saying that we tend to think of things that are 100 years old as antiques, Bishop Jane suggested that the parish not see itself as an antique, and not focus on the past, but ask how it is going to engage in mission in its 101st year.

Congregation at Holy Trinity, Tofield

At the end of the service, Bishop Sixbert brought greetings from the Diocese of Buyé, and mused that he was probably the first African bishop to participate in a service in Tofield. He then pronounced the blessing in Kirundi.

Dr Tim Alexander, Bishop Jane Alexander, Bishop Sixbert Macumi, Noel Yuen, The Ven Alan Perry
Then, after some photos, everyone went off to a reception.

It was a wonderful celebration.

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