Monday we travelled
three hours by road to the most distant part of the Diocese of Buyé.
We made a brief stop at
a spring at Kobero. A spring may not sound like much to most in
Canada, but here in Burundi having a clean and reliable source of
water is important. The Church has taken on the task of adding some
improvements to about six springs in the country, making a concrete
facility with a pipe leading to the spring in the ground, so that
anyone can come and collect fresh, clean water. We tasted it.
The spring water flows into a small river nearby and
eventually joins the Nile. Along the way it feeds nearby rice fields
and other crops such as potatoes.
As just about
everywhere we go in Burundi, a crowd of curious young men gathered to
see what we were doing at the spring. We gave them our greetings in
our best Kirundi, and were off on our way.
Next we made two stops
in Giteranyi Parish. First we were welcomed with song into the parish
church itself by a large group of people. This is the parish where
Bishop Sixbert was born and raised, and we were able to meet his
sister at the church and his eldest brother later at the primary
Again at the church we
were greeted by the Archdeacon, who is also their parish priest, and
treated to some Burundian singing. We brought greetings from the
Diocese of Edmonton.
We were told that
Giteranyi was completely evacuated during the civil war, as it is
right in the corner between Rwanda and Tanzania. Both countries are
withing three or four kilometres of where we were. Now the region is
being repopulated by returnees who are resettling in their old home
The next stop was the
primary school where Bishop Sixbert was educated. There we met the
over 1200 students. It seemed as though we met them all at the same
time. We saw two classes and met the students and teachers, and then
two student groups presented dances to us.
Finally we went to see the
new high school and heard of plan to build a college. We were told
of the challenges the two schools face. We were impressed by the
dedication of the teachers and the energy of the students of both
Leaving Giteranyi
parish we journeyed to Kimeza, where the diocese has a farm. The farm
operates as a demonstration project to teach agricultural methods. It
also produces seedlings such as a high-quality banana variety which
are given to surrounding farmers to cultivate. We were treated to a
sumptuous lunch before hitting the road for the long journey home.
Arriving back at Ngozi
near sundown (6:00 p.m.) we joined a house group at Canon
Desiderata's home. There we read the Bible, prayed, sang and ate. It
was a very warm reception and a splendid meal including goat, rice,
cassava, yams, bananas, beef, chicken, potatoes, peas and more.
Although we had been strangers just a few days earlier, we already
saw several familiar faces among the thirty-odd people who gathered, and we really
felt at home.
It was a long and
somewhat tiring day, but the best day yet.
Imana ishimwe –
praise God.
I really enjoyed reading about your trip . The photo's , seeing the land and agriculture, as well as the schools and churches... great...thanks so much for sharing this.. Loreen